
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Working up a sweat, and some Sticky Lemon Pork

Last night we did another half hour work out from the DVD. I was really looking forward to it, very much 'up for it' and gave it my all. I seem to have found my exercise mojo again. I certainly worked up more of a sweat than I have previously - I even wondered if we'd turned the heating up but it was actually off. I followed it up with the abs section which I hadn't tried before and I managed about two thirds of it with only a little bit of swearing - something to build up on. I had so enjoyed doing my made up upper body workout the day before that I/ve decided to put a bit more effort in on my top half. I feel as though the workouts give my legs a good workout every time but sometimes my arms/shoulders/chest/abs could handle more so there'll be lots more abs section for me!

I had a bit of disappointing news this morning though. Being woken by the youngest at 5:45 meant I had a little longer than normal to get myself ready so I did a cheeky weigh and measure a day early. I have lost no weight and no inches in 6 days. This has been quite a blow because although I've added in the odd bit of good carbs (a carrot and some sweet potato on Saturday, 3 sweet potato wedges on Sunday and a tablespoon of brown rice with dinner on Monday and Tuesday (which does seem to have helped my morning energy dip) and had the one cheat meal I've otherwise been really good. I've only had one rest day and in the other days I've done two 12 minute, two 30 minute and one 45 minute workout. It doesn't really feel fair.

I need to try and keep perspective. I'm in this for the long haul and with over three stone to lose it was never going to happen overnight, but even so to see no shift at all isn't exactly encouraging. Maybe I'll suddenly lose a load before tomorrow. Tonight I did another half hour work out so I've done all I can, though I know the next few days will be hairy. Tomorrow is my son's second birthday so there will be cake. It's his party on Saturday so there will be cake then too. I think I'm going to try to stay on plan apart from two small pieces of cake as my cheats for this week. I know we're only supposed to have one but I'm giving myself permission to doubly celebrate the anniversary of pushing out nearly 9lb of small boy, just this once. I'm working out lots, hopefully that will offset it a bit...

Onto other important things, like food. Anyone fancy some Sticky Lemon Pork? This was dinner tonight and it was particularly lovely.


KSFL Sticky Lemon Pork (Also works really well with chicken, for the record)

Serves 2


400g pork, diced
1 tbs olive/coconut oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 garlic cloves, crushed or finely chopped

Throw all the ingredients into a non-stick frying pan over a high heat and stir regularly as it cooks. As the liquid reduces the meat will start to brown. Eventually it will reduce to a thick, sticky coating over the lightly browned meat. Remove the meat from the pan and set aside while you use the same pan to stir fry the vegetables of your choice. Pile on a plate and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Good post but I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this subject? I’d be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Appreciate it!My Games
