
Thursday 24 January 2013

The halfway point

Today was results day again, and in camp Food Junkie that meant more than a little trepidation before getting on the scales and whipping out the tape measure. I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I weighed myself this morning. I have lost just 1 lb this week. I know I've had a few days off the exercise and I have had the odd small snack of nuts, but even so after losing 7 lb last week I was expecting something at least a little more. I have a fair amount to lose after all.

I know, I know, they say that inches are what matters, so I swallowed my disappointed and got on with the measuring. Those results are better. I have lost another 4.5". That brings my two week totals to 8 lb and 10" and four of those inches are from my waist. I need to remind myself that all of this has happened in just 14 days because when you remember that it's pretty impressive really, isn't it?

Class was fun and I managed the full workout so I'm now officially classing myself as better and fully capable of keeping up with my exercise sessions. So that will be another half hour workout from the DVD tomorrow evening and Rachel's 45 minute bootcamp on Saturday morning. Bring it on! Even with a few days off my improved fitness was noticeable tonight. I managed to do full burpees almost every time (I just had to ease off halfway through the last burpee set) so my personal challenge for next week is to do all of them. There's a small perverse part of me that is actually starting to enjoy them - and I never, ever thought I'd say that!

I'm afraid there are no recipes today as I need to shower and get to bed, and also because today we've eaten meals that I've already shown here before. I have a treat in store for tomorrow though, so be sure to check back then.

I hope everyone else has had a good second week. Bring on week three (and that cheat meal...).


  1. I love burpees! Glad you are starting to come round to the fact that burpees are so much fun!

  2. I could never understand why you always announced them with such glee before. To be fair I think there is probably a special kind of weirdness required to enjoy them, but I'm quite pleased to have been infected. Thanks. ;)
