
Thursday 17 January 2013

Roast Turkey Drumstick, and some stats!

One week in and I've lost, wait for it... 7lb and 5.5"!

That will most do very nicely indeed, but the best bit is one that I didn't fully realise until tonight. The spontaneous running the other day should have given me a hint but the work out at the session tonight really showed me that my fitness has improved massively. Last week I felt I could barely finish the work out and was so exhausted that the walk out to the car was hard. This week not only did I manage more of the harder versions of the excercises but I was still going strong at the end. I could have done more!!!! I'm already looking forward to next week and I've bought the DVD so that I can do more at home.

I appear to have been bitten by the fitness bug. Who'd have thought it?

I am however still extremely passionate about food, but because it's late I'll keep this brief and share the very successful recipe I made up for the large turkey drumstick I got dirt cheap from the supermarket the other day. For £1.75 there was plenty of meat on there for two of us, but I wanted to figure out a way to cook it without it getting dry. I didn't fit in the slow cooker, so I decided to roast it with garlic, but just keep it wet by covering it with a tin of tomatoes. The big advantage of this is that the tomatoes and the other veg I threw in with it slow roasted together so were packed with flavour. It worked well. The turkey was moist and very tasty - the garlic really added something special.

Here it is just out the oven:

And this was dinner:

Fancy having a go? Here's how:

Slow Roasted Turkey Drumstick with Garlic, Tomatoes and Roast Vegetables

Serves 2


1 turkey drumstick (approx 650g)
2 large garlic cloves peeled and cut in half lengthways, or 4 small one peeled and whole
1 400g tin tomatoes
3 celery stalks, chopped into large chunks
Half a butternut squash, skin and seed removed and chopped into chunks
Ground pepper and dried mixed herbs

Take your turkey drumstick and stab it, deeply, four times with a non-serrated kitchen knife in biggest flesshy parts. Push a garlic clove (or half of one) onto each hole until it is buried beneath the flesh. Place the drumstick on a roasting tray and pour over a tin of tomatoes. Toss the celery and squash chunks into the tomato juices and lightly sprinkle with ground pepper and mixed herbs.

Cover well with foil and cook at 160c for 90 minutes, then remove the foil and turn the temperature up to 190c for 30-45 minutes. Once cooked, strip the meat from the bone and serve alongside the roast veg with something green and leafy.

Tomorrow morning it will be one week since the first pictures were taken so I'll take some more, but I'll wait until I've seen them until I post them. I may wait until I have some really impressinve 'after' shots in  few more weeks time. I also may not be posting for a few days as I'm going away for a night and we have house guests as soon as we return, but normal service should resume by the end of the weekend.

Over and out for now.

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