
Saturday 12 January 2013

Day three. Ouch.

Wowee. Today has been a tough one, mostly because I haven't felt a noticeable improvement on the withdrawal side of things. There's been a slight on-off headache and I've felt grumpy, unmotivated and really tired. Unfortunately today this has been combined with some serious muscle pain following the first KSFL workout. I think I may have made it worse rather than better by doing the KSFL fitness test last night, which I definitely found harder for having done the big workout the night before. I can normally knock out a few press ups but it felt like my arms could barely hold me last night. At least it shouldn't be hard to improve on my numbers in a week's time...

So I failed to make it to boot camp this morning, figuring that if I needed to hold on to something to lower myself into a chair I wasn't going to be up to much in a muddy field. Instead I walked the dog for a mile, starting out slowly and gradually building up the pace as my muscles warmed up. I walked him again, just for half a mile this evening and I think it's easing a bit now. So sore, tired and grumpy have been the themes for today. I have however eaten very well indeed!

We started off this morning with boiled eggs with bacon rashers, celery, mange tout and spring onions for dippers with grilled tomatoes on the side. Looks pretty, yes?

I meant to roast the spring onions first but I forgot and I have to admit that neither of us could stomach much of them for breakfast as they were a bit strong. I won't forget again!

Lunch was a roasted butternut squash soup that I forgot to photograph, and dinner was total and utter hit! I bought some really nice big lamb chops the other day and I popped them in the slow cooker along with a load of veg this morning. The result was just spectacular and we will so be having this again!

Fancy a recipe? A slow cooker is required for this one and it took all of 10 minutes to prepare (plus 7 hours in the slow cooker to cook).

Slow Cooked Lamb Chops

Serves 2 generously


1 tablespoon olive or coconut oil
3 spring onions, chopped (I used the ones we didn't eat for breakfast)
2 large lamb chops
3 celery stalks, chopped
1 courgette, chopped
Half an aubergine
1 onion, chopped
1 tin tomatoes
Salt and pepper

Oil the base and sides of the pot and spread the chopped onions over the bottom. Lay the chops on the onions and spread the rest of the vegetables on top of them. Pour the tin of tomatoes evenly over the lot and toss in a pinch of salt and pepper. Pop the pot in the slow cooker and cook on high for approx 7 hours, stirring occasionally.

Serve up and devour!

Here's hoping the withdrawal eases tomorrow. I'm off for an early night now.

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