
Sunday 27 January 2013

The Big Binge

I ate chocolate cake, with hot choc fudge sauce, and it was marvellous.

We had friends visiting last night so we made the most of the opportunity to have our cheat meal in company. Our main meal was actually on plan - slow cooked lamb cutlets with tomatoes, onion, celery, squash and carrots (a week 3 addition), served with sweet and normal potato wedges (I only had a few sweet ones) and cabbage. However, it was accompanied by some lovely red wine of which I drank a glass and a half and was followed up by the heavenly chocolate cake above.

I thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful, even if I did only manage about 2/3 of my portion before my belly just said 'No more!'. I waited for some horrible reaction to take place and nothing really dramatic did. I did get a bit bloated but not to the point where I was uncomfortable and having lost several inches there was space in my jeans for it. As I lay in bed I realised I was getting quite windy and I'm still a bit bloated and windy this morning, but again, not enough to feel unwell from. I feel fine after the wine, but then I stopped drinking after dinner and had drunk a good pint of water before I went to bed. I do feel slightly dehydrated this morning but have no headache, just a bit of a dry mouth. I was expecting a 'food hangover' today, though I wasn't sure what it might feel like, but I actually feel fine. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Having done detoxes and experimented with my diet before I already knew that I was likely to react to the return of wheat, and I did. In the past I seem not to have too much of an issue with dairy and the fact that I finished off the jug of chocolate sauce with a spoon and felt no real ill effects seems to back that up. I will have to wait and see if I experience worse cravings now I've had a big sugar hit or if anything else changes but so far so good. I really enjoyed my cheat meal and I'm looking forward to the next one (which I already know will be my son's second birthday party next weekend), but I'm also happy to be back on plan and looking forward to my prawn salad at lunch today too.

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