
Tuesday 22 January 2013

An answer, and a fish supper

This morning it all became clear: why my workout yesterday was so poor and why I may not have been myself for a few days. I woke with swollen glands, bone aches and tiredness beyond tiredness. Even walking up the stairs felt like a monumental effort. It seems I have succumbed to the viral thing that has been working its way round the rest of my family. Being a full time mum whilst also running my own business means that I tend not to get the option to take time off, but I did manage to get 45 minutes after I'd finished a job for a client to lie in bed before the school run.

Having taken advice from both Rachels I am taking a day or two off from the workouts to let my body sort itself out. I am however sticking to the plan diet-wise and drinking lots of lemon and ginger (a couple of thin slices of lemon and four or five of ginger root with hot water - it's yummy and good for you). I had six almonds as an afternoon snack and half a banana and some blueberries after dinner. It seems strange to me not to be piling in the fruit when I need an immune system boost so that was my compromise. Fingers crossed I'll be all better soon.

I have managed to get blogger to let me post a photo of Sunday's banana and blueberry omelette at last. It was even tastier than it looks.

Banana, blueberry and cinnamon omelette

And tea tonight was pretty god too even though my appetite wasn't up to much. It as pollock, baked with spinnach, lemon and spring onion. I'd normally put some ginger in to but I don't have much left in the house and wanted to keep it for my soothing drinks.

Fancy a go yourself? It's super easy. Here's the recipe with ginger - it's optional.

Baked Pollock with Spinach, Lemon, Spring Onion and Ginger

Serves 2


2 pollock fillets, chilled (I used frozen ones, just leave them to defrost on the side for a few hours)
2 large handfuls of fresh spinach leaves
1 lemon, finely sliced
3 spring onions, sliced
1.5cm piece of ginger root, peeled and finely chopped

Cut two pieces of cooking foil approx 20cm long and place a bed of spinach leaves in the centre of each one. Put a pollock fillet on each bed of spinach and top with the lemon, ginger and spring onion. Wrap them into foil parcels and cook for 12-15 minutes at 170c. Serve with side vegetables of your choice and enjoy!

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