
Monday 21 January 2013

The KSFL Big Breakfast

After my big grumbles yesterday I thought I'd better start today on a high, so I did, with a KSFL Big Breakfast. What is it? Quite simply, it's an omelette containing everything that you'd normally have in a fry-up. Well, the KSFL-friendly parts anyway.

Doesn't it look yummy? It was! Paired with an avocado it set me up for the day perfectly.

KSFL Big Breakfast Omelette

Serves 1

1 tbs olive or coconut oil
One small onion, chopped
A tomato, chopped
3-4 mushrooms, chopped
3 rashers of bacon, chopped
3 eggs, beaten
Salt and pepper

Fry the onion, tomato, mushrooms and bacon in a medium non-stick frying pan on a high heat until cooked through. Add salt and pepper to the beaten eggs to taste and pour over the other ingredients. Keep on the heat for another 2 minutes until the bottom is cooked then transfer under a hot grill until the top is browned and the egg is cooked through the middle.

Serve with aocado, or celery sticks, or whatever else tickles your fancy and enjoy!

And today has been better in many ways. My mood has been up, partly helped by a pep talk with Rachel S and partly due to the fact that I've expanded my diet a little. Following her and Rachel H's feedback on facebook earlier I had a mid-afternoon snack of a small handful of almonds and then had a few slices of roasted sweet potato alongside my lasagna (the other half of the monster one I made yesterday) and greens for tea. I was feeling much better mood-wise, my bowels finally started moving and all was looking good. Then once the kids were in bed, I got down to my workout.

It didn't go well. As I have done every evening since Thursday (bar my rest day on Saturday) I set up the first 30 minute workout from the DVD. Every day I've done it I've been able to do more of the harder versions of the excercise and was thinking I might give workout two a go in the next day or so. Except this time my legs felt like lead and every move felt like I was doing it through treacle. It was really, really hard and the magical 'oomph' that has burst from me as soon as I've got going with every other workout so far, propelling me through and making me want to push myself just wasn't there. I felt so tired I ended up stopping half way through.

So I've done just over a ten minute workout. I've done what I need to to stay on plan but I didn't enjoy it and I felt pretty rubbish afterwards as well. I've come to rely on the feel good factor a workout gives me as a pick-me-up and for that to have got-up-and-gone was pretty down-heartening. So tomorrow I'm off all the carbs again and we'll see what effect that has. Watch this space...

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