
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Day 6: Digging a bit deeper

I can't believe I'm nearly through my first week! Today has been a good one. I've felt energised and alert, though I did get a tiredness dip early evening. That lifted as soon as I did the 10 minute workout and now I'm full of beans again.

I've also been doing a bit more reading about what exactly this diet does and why it works. I'm a bit of a geek in that regard, and need to know why something works before I can really trust it properly. It seems that I, along with all the other KSFL-ers around the country have now entered a state of ketosis. That does sound alarmingly medical on first hearing, but it's not as bad as you might think. It simply means that your body is burning fat for energy. Now that I'm through the withdrawal and clean of all those sugars and carbs that my body used to burn up, it's turned to my fat stores and is happily eating them up to get the energy it needs. Wahey! The process of metabolising fats for energy releases these little molecules called ketones into the body, and that's why those clever scientist folk decided to call it a state of ketosis. It's all explained rather well here if you'd like to know more.

Breakfast was yummy. I remembered to bake the spring onions today so they were soft and sweet, and went really well with the saltiness of the bacon rashers. Add to that an onion and spinach omelette and it was quite a feast!

Roast spring onions are one of the easiest things to make and they really are fab. All you do is wrap them in foil and pop them in an oven on a tray at about 175c for 15 minutes or so and they are done! You can put them in along with the bacon if you're happy to oven cook it, and even the tomatoes if you fancy them warm, and then you just have to knock up a quick omelette while they cook. Breakfast perfection!

Lunch was chicken and egg salad, in the nice new LARGE tupperware tubs I bought specially to cater to our large salad needs. And dinner was one of my absolute favourite meals. A pot roast chicken! With a ton of veg. Marvellous!

Fancy a recipe? It's a good one! Very quick and simple, though a medium to large slow cooker is required.

KSFL Pot Roast Chicken


1 chicken - the largest size that will fit into your slow cooker
Veg of your choice, chopped (I used celery, kale and broccoli. Post detox carrots are great in this.)
Olive or coconut oil

Oil the sides of your slow cooker pot. Place a handful of veg in the bottom then put your chicken in, upside down so the breasts are at the bottom. Shove the remaining veg around the chiken and into the cavity, anywhere that you can find space. Put the lid on your pot and pop it in the slow cooker on high for approx 8 hours.

By the time you come in after work the aroma from your slow cooker will be just heavenly and your bird will be moist and tender. The veg will have cooked in the chicked juices so will be lovely and soft and flavourful too. Really. Mmmm...

Now I'm getting into more of a routine with all of this I'm realising I'm going to have to schedule my days a bit differently. Today, even though I got up at 6:30 and my other half got the kids dressed I was still only sitting down to eat breakfast at 8:10 because I spent the whole time between preparing and cooking food. I was still in my pyjamas with only half an hour to eat, shower, dress - smartly - for a business women's networking meet up, so make up and hair had to be done and get the kids out the door with their multitude of bags - some of which still had to be packed - for school and playgroup. We did have lovely nutritious and filling meals but it made the morning very rushed indeed.

So lesson learned. I have now already made the fritatta for tomorrow's lunch and breakfast will be a soup made from the leftovers of tonights tea. Yes, that's right, soup for breakfast! I'm getting a bit tired of eggs so thought we'd mix it up a bit. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow. Watch this space...

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