
Friday 25 January 2013

Citrus beef kebabs anyone?

Today has most definitely been a good day. I had a good night's sleep (both children slept through), woke feeling slightly stiff, but in a good way from last night's workout, and then we took photos. Last week I was a little disappointed in the photos as there was only a very slight noticeable difference between them, but this week, wowee! I'm a changed woman! OK, I'm still blobby, still clinically obese in fact, but my stomach sticks out much less and one of the creases in my back has almost completely disappeared. If there can be that much of a change in two weeks I can't wait to see what four weeks will do! It was a serious pick-me-up.

And I had a good day. My mood was good, I felt relaxed, and happy, and energised and all those things I was told I'd feel on KSFL but that just took a bit longer to come into effect. Even a grumpy toddler couldn't phase me today. Long may it last!

I rounded off my good day with a meal I'd been looking forward to since I decided to try it. And it was a very appropriate ending, being totally and utterly delicious. These kebabs are juicy and lemony and just devine. They are definitely worth trying yourself.

Here's how to do them:

KSFL Citrus Beef Kebabs

Serves 2

3 tbs Balsamic vinegar
rind of 1/2 lemon
2 tbs lemon juice
3 cloves garlic, crsuhed or finely chopped
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tbs olive oil
2 steaks - whatever cut you prefer
1 green pepper, cut into chunks
1 onion, cut into chunks
1 small courgette, sliced thickly
6 smallish mushrooms
12 cherry tomatoes

6 kebab skewers (metal or bamboo)

Mix the balsamic vinegar, lemon rind and juice, garlic and cumin in a small mixing bowl. Cut the steaks into chunks and mariade in the vinegar/lemon mixture for as long as possible (mine had 4 hours). Just before cooking, slide the meat onto the skewers alternating with the vegetables. You don't have to use these vegetables, just use whatever you have in that would suit. Drizzle the remaining marinade over the kebabs and grill on high, turning once, until cooked (approx 8-10 minutes for mine). Serve with the greens of your choice and sweet potato wedges (if you're beyond week 2).


  1. So pleased the feel-good factor has kicked in. Great food leads to feeling great and you feel you can achieve anything!
