
Friday 4 January 2013

The anticipation

Hello world! Wecome to the blog! Let's start with a bit of an introduction:

In six days time I will be starting on the Kick Start Fat Loss plan. My local, friendly fitness instructor, Rachel has joined this shiny new franchise and starts her classes next week. I've known her for a few years now, firstly as a fellow Mum in the playground and more recently I've been going to her Saturday morning bootcamps in an attempt to shift my post-pregnancy weight. It has been partially successful but I still have several stone to go and ever since she started posting pictures of the transformations that can take place with KSFL I knew it was something I had to try.

I'm not afriad of working hard on the fitness front. In my past I've been active in martial arts, dance and weight training over different periods, but it's been nearly a decade since I was training regularly in anything physical. I'm also not averse to changing my diet. I've spent time as both a vegetarian and a vegan and I studied Naturopathic Medicine for a while so have a good grounding in various approaches to health through diet and detoxification. However right now I eat pretty much everything - although I do try to keep things healthy with minimal processed and pre-prepared foodstufffs - and apart from a weekly bootcamp which I don't always make it to my only regular excercise is walking the dog, for less than a mile a day usually. Time for a change I think!

My only concern about taking on this plan is that I am a complete and total food junkie and on KSFL there is a lot to cut out. Admittedly a lot of wht is cut out isn't that good for you in the first place and instinctively I'm much more drawn to a diet plan that uses only natural, unprocessed foodstuffs instead of 'low fat this' and 'sugar-free that' as this one does.  But I do love flavours, and textures, and experimenting in the kitchen, so suddenly finding myself so very limited in terms of ingredients is going to be challenging. I'm not the kind of girl that will be happy with seven different variations on an omelette to see me through the week, so I'm going to have to get creative.

That's what this blog is for. I'm going to document my culinary adventures on the KSFL plan, share my successes and my failures (no doubt there will be many) both for myself an anyone else who happens to be passing. Comments and ideas are always welcome, particularly from others on the KSFL journey. It all starts here...

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