
Thursday 7 February 2013

The results are in!

Well here we are folks! It's been 28 days and although it started off tough it's improved enormously as time has gone on and now it's just fantastic. And with results like these, even the hardest moments were so worth it.

In 28 days on Kick Start Fat Loss the KSFL Food Junkie lost 11lb and 15.5"! Five inches of that is off my waist. And just take a look at how that translates pysically:

How pleased to do you think I am with these results? Pretty damn. :) And just yesterday I had to say goodbye to a pair of trusted jeans that were slightly snug a month ago but that I can now pull on and off without undoing the button so I'm down a dress size too. Today I'm wearing a pair of trousers that used to fit but I shrunk accidentally by tumble drying them. They fit perfectly now. How's that for serendipity?

All I have to say now is bring on the next 28 days!

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