
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Counting down the hours... the last few days!

Today is day 27. It seems to have come round very quickly all of a sudden. These last two weeks have positively flown. There's just tomorrow to go and then on Thursday I do my final 28 day weigh in, measure and photograph. I had a cheeky weigh this morning and discovered I'm down 3lb already this week so whatever was causing my period of stasis has moved on, thank goodness. I was pretty sure I'd lost some weight and size because I feel different again. And also because when I do hill climbers I can get my knees a little closer to my chest because there are less rolls of fat in the way.

I still feel as though I've taken a happy pill. Even when something annoying happened with work today I just huffed for a moment and moved on. It's fab!

I didn't get to post last night because I went out to the local pub for a Stitch & Bitch gathering. It was a really fun evening and I drank water and chamomile tea, then got to eat some of the leftover food that they'd made for the dominos team. They'd made meatballs in a tomato sauce and once I'd quizzed them on the ingredients I knew they were completely clean, and very yummy they were too. I had a chat with the couple that run the pub (they are also friends of ours) about KSFL and when they start up their regular menu again in March they are going to look at having a KSFL-friendly meal on it. Wahey! We could even go out for dinner and stay on plan! I'm looking forward to it already.

Before I went out we had a lovely dinner of veggie chilli with sweet potato wedges and guacomale. I couldn't believe I hadn't made guacomale earlier in the detox because it's totally clean - and delicious! I'm not going to post the veggie chilli recipe because there are already several good ones out there, unless people particularly want me to. Let me know if you do!

Here's how to make your own:



1 large, ripe avocado, halved and destoned
1 large or 2 small garlic cloves, finely chopped
Juice of half a lemon
3 cherry tomatoes, finely chopped
Freshly ground balck pepper, to taste

Scoop the flesh of the avocado out into a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Mash it all together with a fork until it's well combined and there are no big pieces of avocado left.

That's it! Serve it up and enjoy!

Tonight's dinner was also lovely and again was a recipe I'm very familiar with that is already pretty much KSFL-friendly. In my pre-KSF days I'd have put a load of carrots in as well but as I was going to serve it with brown rice I decided to keep it easy on the carbs and used butternut squash instead. It worked just as well. Here it is:

KSFL Greek-style Lemon Chicken Casserole

Serves 4


8 chicken thighs and/or drumsticks
4 sticks celery, chopped
1 onion, chopped
Large handful fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 butternut squash, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped/crushed
Juice and finely grated rind of 1 lemon
1 cup of chicken or vegetable stock

Throw all the ingredients into the slow cooker and cook for 7 hours or so, stirring ocassionally if you so wish. Serve with brown rice and/or greens.

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