
Sunday 19 May 2013

KSFL macaroons. Sweet treats for tough days.

I got through that first week of being back on detox in the end. The headache lasted for five days on and off but it was worth it. I lost two pounds and half an inch in that week. My intention was to stay on detox for another week at least but that has gone out the window following a couple of emotionally tough days. Life in the Food Junkie household is generally fine at the moment, but there is a lot of Big Life Stuff going on in the background and it's taking its toll a bit.

So I resorted to a chocolate fondue as a cheat with a friend on Friday night. It was fabulous. Bananas, strawberries and some chunks of gluten free blueberry muffin dipped in a fondue made of dark chocolate and a glug of cream. Not too terrible as cheats go - and I let my friend lick the bowl out - but a cheat all the same.  That was meant to be it but then I'd forgotten the birthday party I was invited to at the local pub last night. I stuck to peppermint tea and water for the most part but a couple of shandies had found their way down my neck before the night was out.

And today I've been feeling a bit rough so I decided I needed a treat (again). This week isn't going well is it? But I'm trying to be as good as I can with my treat so I went online and did some recipe hunting. Here is my KSFL-friendly macaroon recipe. It's not all good, not at all, but it's not nearly as bad as reaching for the biscuit tin. They are devine too.

KSFL Macaroon Recipe

Makes 12-14 small macaroons.

100g dessicated coconut
2 tbs raw organic honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg white, lightly beaten

Mix the coconut, honey and vanilla essence in a bowl until all the coconut is evenly coated with the honey, then mix in the beaten egg white. Once thoroughly combined press the mixture into the bowl of a spoon and turn out onto a tray covered in baking parchment. I used a tablespoon sized measuring spoon for a nice semi-spherical kind of shape. This made 13 small macaroons for me but the quantity would vary depending on the size of the spoon you use.

Pop them into a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes until they're lightly browned. I overdid mine a bit so aim for something a bit lighter than the picture. Once they've cooled completely eat them as they are or drizzle with dark chocolate, if you must. Make them when you have lots of friends round so you don't end up eating them all yourself. I've managed to stop at two so far but the rest are talking to me...

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